23 - 25 May, 2017 | London, UK

Focus Day

9:00 am - 9:45 am Welcome Coffee & Registration

9:45 am - 9:55 am Chairman's Welcome Remarks

Sqaudron Leader (Retd) Tony Reeves

Former Air C2ISR OEU

9:55 am - 10:25 am Emerging Unmanned Threats: The Use Of COTS UAS By Non-State Actors

•    Understanding the proliferation and development trends of COTS UAS to better define counter-measures
•    Mapping out the employment of UAS by non-state actors – acquisition and modification trends
•    Over the horizon – how will sUAS capabilities change in the coming decade and how can we adapt counter-systems to ensure we are prepared for the threat at home and during operations abroad?

N.R. Jenzen-Jones

Armament Research Services (ARES)

10:55 am - 11:25 am Extended Area Protection And Survivability In The Context Of C-UAS R&D

•    Briefing on RDECOM’s R&D into C-UAS systems – the EAPS Gun System
•    Engagement with industry and opportunities for cooperation in the C-UAS space
•    Future of gun-based air defence and next steps for EAPS C-UAS programme

Hannibal People

Project Officer

11:25 am - 11:55 am Coffee And Networking

11:55 am - 12:00 am Future Drone Threats: Visual Control Of Small Quadrotors In GPS-Denied Environments

•    Why operations in GPS-denied environments are important
•    General methods of GPS denied operation and comparison between them
•    Current level of automated operation
•    Future developments and possibilities

Dr Dr Chang Liu

Aeronautics, Astronautics and Computational Engineering Group, Engineering Centre of Excellence
University of Southampton

•    R&D and S&T requirements and gaps
•    How successful have government-led competitions been in developing viable countermeasures for further trialling?
•    Low-cost-per-kill challenges and the need for a multi-role, multi environment capability
•    What are the panellists’ organisations focusing on currently? What has worked so far and what hasn’t?
•    What are the panellists’ views on the optimal C-UAS solution(s) for near-peer adversaries and non-state actors?

Colonel Colonel Robert Lukawski PhD PhD

Deputy Commanding Officer, Inspectorate for Implementation of Innovative Defense Technologies
Polish Ministry of Defence

Hannibal People

Project Officer

Manfredi Luciano

Project Officer, Enhanced Area Protection and Survivability (EAPS) Army Technology Objective
US Army

Brigadier General (Retd) Ian Mowat

Former Head of Force Protection

Sqaudron Leader (Retd) Tony Reeves

Former Air C2ISR OEU

1:15 pm - 12:00 am Chairman's Closing Remarks & End of Focus Day